A look back at journalist George Polk, 1948
This is the inaugural entry in our Free Press blog, where I'll be reaching back to points in history that shed light on current issues of press freedom and speech freedom. [...]
Why Journalism Needs to ‘Do’ Ethics, Not Focus on Defining Journalists

Ironically, journalists -- a group normally reluctant to theorize -- are today up to their ears in definitions, a favorite activity of philosophers.
For some time, [...]
Media Ethics Beyond Borders: A Global Perspective

This volume explores the construction of an ethics for news media that is global in reach and impact. Essays by international media ethicists provide leading theoretical [...]
The Invention of Journalism Ethics: The Path to Objectivity and Beyond (McGill-Queen’s Studies in the History of Ideas)

Does objectivity in the news media exist? In "The Invention of Journalism Ethics", Stephen Ward argues that, given the current emphasis on interpretation, analysis, and [...]